‘Did You Know’ that the average Virginian uses 826 gallons of water a day? Our water resources come from a wide range of landscapes and places, from the Appalachian mountains along our western boundary all the way to the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay. The Virginia Water Resources Research Center’s ‘Did You Know’ series is an online publication that brings Virginia’s water stories to you. With topics as diverse as our state’s landscapes, there’s something for everyone.
Learning About Water Education in the Clinch Valley Watershed

Growing up in southwest Virginia, I was surrounded by mountains, creeks, forests, and rivers. But before college, I never viewed water as a resource. It was simply just…water. You drank it, swam in it, used it to wash your hands …READ MORE
Wastewater Systems for Sustainable Consumption

How often do you think about where your household water comes from, where it goes, or how much of it you use daily? How about whether this water could be recycled to decrease our environmental impacts? Well, did you know that the …READ MORE
New River Conservancy – Volunteer Opportunities for Watershed Conservation

As an Intern for the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, I wanted to learn about and share information for volunteer opportunities for watershed conservation with the New River Conservancy. I interviewed John Copeland …READ MORE
Interview with Dr. Nick Copeland

In April, 2022, I sat down with Dr. Nick Copeland, an associate professor in the Department of History at Virginia Tech to discuss his research and work in Guatemala and how it pertains to environmental justice. As an anthropologist … READ MORE
Interview with Sheri Shannon of Southside ReLeaf

“Empowering folks and letting them know that they have a voice and providing them with the resources and tools to use their voice, to advocate for that change, is probably the most important thing. I can come in and tell …READ MORE
How Much Water Are We Actually Using?

A water footprint measures how much water is consumed directly and how much is used when producing goods and services – from the water we use in our homes for drinking, washing, and flushing to the water that is used …READ MORE
Starting Small: Headwater Streams, Watersheds, and the Coal Region of Virginia and West Virginia

Everyone lives in a watershed. Simply put, it’s the land that drains to a common body of water, such as a stream, lake, or ocean. No matter where you live in Virginia, you are part of one of the state’s nine major watersheds …READ MORE
Appalachian Virginia still faces Clean Water Access Issues

For some people living in rural Appalachia, stopping by the dripping spring coming out of the roadside hill to fill up a bottle of water is a ritual. Even for my mom, who has running water and proper plumbing, it offers a sense …READ MORE
“A Whole Other World” in Southwest Virginia’s Rivers

When thinking of extraordinary places that are home to unique wildlife and curious creatures, Southwest Virginia is not what typically comes to mind. But our corner of the southeastern United States is fantastically one …READ MORE
May is Home to National Drinking Water Week

The total amount of water on Earth has stayed the same for approximately two billion years. Of the 326 million trillion gallons of water present on Earth, less than 1% is accessible and drinkable. Given that water is an …READ MORE
A Bright Future for a Dismal Swamp

“It certainly could be… dismal.” Clay Word, a recent Masters graduate of Virginia Tech, conducted his field work in a unique landscape. “It would usually take me two weeks to get all of the dirt and peat out of my wrinkles …READ MORE
Up in the Air: How the Water Cycle is Changing, Part II

No part of Virginia was unaffected by the changing water cycle last year. With a greater proportion of rainfall occurring in extreme precipitation events, water is becoming more unevenly distributed throughout the year. …READ MORE
Up in the Air: How the Water Cycle is Changing, Pt. I

The water cycle is one of the oldest scientific observations. In fact, it can be traced back as far as 2400 years ago in a Hindu devotional depicting the Sun heating up and evaporating water and sending it back to Earth. While this is …READ MORE
Why Some are Salty About Winter Roads

While Virginia has had an unusually warm winter, the effects of many snow and ice storms past are still lingering beneath the snow-less surface. Salt is commonly thought of as a table-side staple but is now becoming one …READ MORE